Dr Darren Dickson
Name | Darren Dickson |
Pronoun | He/Him/His |
Position | Casual Employment |
Section | College for First Nations |
Location | Toowoomba Campus |
Darren.Dickson@unisq.edu.au | |
Qualifications | BAgSc(Hons) Qld , MEd USQ , PhD USQ |
Languages |
Turkish (non accredited translator)
Darren is currently involved as a teaching assistant and research project supervisor in the School of Education at UniSQ.
Other Education
( 399900)
Other Education not elsewhere classified
( 399999)
Applied Linguistics And Educational Linguistics
( 470401)
Specialist Studies In Education
( 390400)
Educational Administration
( 390403)
( 470400)
Adaptive Space within Language Teaching Organisations.
EDR8802- Foundation Methods for Research in Education
ISE1000- Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australia
IPP7005- Walking the walk: applying tertiary skills
IPP7006- Academic conventions and Indigenous research methodologies
IPP7007- Exploring the way - your USQ journey
TPP7122- Study Management
17 Years
17 Years
Program coordination