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Assoc Prof Vito Breda

Assoc Prof Vito Breda
Name Vito Breda
Pronoun He/Him/His
Position Associate Professor (Law)
Section School of Law and Justice
Office Q431
Location Toowoomba Campus
Qualifications PGCertUniT&L Cardiff , FHEA HEA , LLM EALT , PhD Edinburgh
Languages French (accredited translator)
German (non accredited translator)
Italian (accredited translator)
Spanish (non accredited translator)
The views expressed on staff homepages may not reflect the views of the University.

Dr Vito Breda is an expert on federalism and decentralization policies. Vito has just completed his second book on regionalism titled: Constitutional Crises and Regionalism. The book will be included in the prestigious Elgar Monographs in Constitutional and Administrative Law series, edited by Rosalind Dixon (UNSW), Susan Rose-Ackerman (Yale University ), and Mark Tushnet (Harvard Law School).

In 2014 -15, Dr Breda was MacCormick Fellow at the Law School of the University of Edinburgh. Previously he was appointed visiting fellow at the Centre for European Studies at the Australian National University. Before joining USQ, Dr Breda lectured at Cardiff Law School, worked as a researcher for the Scottish Parliament, and at the University of Milan.

Also, he is the sole editor of Legal Transplants in East Asia and Oceania (2019, Cambridge University Press). Among his publications are Constitutional Law and Regionalism, (2018, Edward Elgar Publishing) The Objectivity of Judicial Decisions (2017, Peter Lang Publishing), and Diverse Narratives of Legal Objectivity (2016, Peter Lang Publishing).

  • Comparative Law ( 180106 )
  • Human Rights Law ( 180114 )
  • International Trade Law ( 180117 )
  • Comparative Law ( 480302 )
  • International And Comparative Law ( 480300 )
  • European Union Law ( 480304 )

Dr Vito Breda (PhD Edinburgh, LL.M Brussels, and LL.B Milan), Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Southern Queensland School of Law and Professor in Comparative Law (Tier II, 12/E2, National Evaluation 2016, Rome). . Previously, he was a MacCormick Fellow at the Law School of the University of Edinburgh, Visiting Fellow at the Centre for European Studies at the ANU and Lecturer in Law at Cardiff University. He is the sole author of: Constitutional Crises and Regionalism (2023, Edward Elgar Publishing), Constitutional Law and Regionalism (2018, Edward Elgar Publishing), The Objectivity of Judicial Decisions (2017, Peter Lang Publishing).
Both Constitutional Crises and Regionalism and Constitutional Law and Regionalism are part o Constitutional and Administrative Law series, edited by Rosalind Dixon (UNSW), Susan Rose-Ackerman (Yale) , and Mark Tushnet (Harvard) .

Breda is also the sole editor of Legal Transplants in East Asia and Oceania (2019, Cambridge University Press) and the co-editor of Diverse Narratives of Legal Objectivity (2016, Peter Lang Publishing).

Supervises Ph.D Students:

Brown L.The Bologna Process and student mobility: the Erasmus program, normative power meets coercion

Fraser E. The Objectivity of Australian Judicial Decisions,

Harris S. Managing Behaviour from Classroom to Courtroom: reducing recidivism within and beyond learning environments, through a comparative analysis of SWPBS in Australia and Scandinavia.

IVR Member of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy
FHEA – Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK)
SLS - Member of the Society of Legal Scholars (UK)
Member of the Australian Law Teachers Association

Fellow at the United Kingdom Higher Education Academy

Amazing Ph.D Students:
Brown L.The Bologna Process and student mobility: the Erasmus program, normative power meets coercion

Harris S. Managing Behaviour from Classroom to Courtroom: reducing recidivism within and beyond learning environments, through a comparative analysis of SWPBS in Australia and Scandinavia.

Examined Qualifications
• 2009: Fellow at the UK Higher Education Academy,
• 2007: Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching - Level 6 and 7 - Higher Education Funding Council for Wales.
Teaching Responsibilities by Institutions

Postgraduate Courses:
• Course Leader: EU Law
• Course Leader: Advanced Jurisprudence (Advanced Theories of Law)

• Course Leader: Theories of Law
• Course Leader: Comparative Law

2005- 2013:
• Module leader for European Public Law
• Course Leader: Jurisprudence,
• Dissertation Supervisor: Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence,

2001- 2004: Tutor in Jurisprudence. The Law School, the University of Edinburgh.

22 Years

  • Comparative Law ( 180106 )
  • Human Rights Law ( 180114 )
  • International Trade Law ( 180117 )
  • Comparative Law ( 480302 )
  • International And Comparative Law ( 480300 )
  • European Union Law ( 480304 )